Today after church we went to Maw Maw and Paw Paw Decker's and Maw Maw and Paw Paw VanMatre's houses to hunt Easter eggs. Savannah didn't want to hunt any more eggs after she found the first one. She wanted to open the egg and eat the candy inside first. After a little coaxing and some help from Jia Jia she found all of the eggs and enjoyed the candy inside.
Resting before the hunt
President's Day Weekend Feb. 2025
3 weeks ago
What a beautiful baby girl you have!!! I cannot get over how incredibly long her hair is. She must come from the 'land where hair grows' province :-).
Abigail loved hunting eggs. Brian's mom and dad only put quarters in their eggs so the hunt continued even after the first (due to no chocolate incentive).
She is so adorable and that dress is precious! Hunting Easter eggs was something Daddy practiced with AA so that she would know what to do. We did have some candy so AA gets one treat a day.....have to keep that sugar away from her teeth!
Happy Easter! Keep those pictures coming.
P.S. We may be driving back from Maine in mid-May.....would love to work out a quick hello if we have with some of our China travel-mates?
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