Thursday, July 23, 2009
Savannah's first time on Broadway!!..........Broadway at the Beach that is.
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 11:37 AM 3 Comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
First I want to say happy 10 month anniversary to CCAI'S group 1409!! Can you believe it, we have had our beautiful babies for 10 whole months. The time I have had with my sweet little angel has been priceless. The three years of wait to to get her was very difficult, a lot of crying, praying, and wondering at times if we would ever have her in our arms. All of that is behind us now and I would do it all over again in an instant.
Second of all I want to say we are on VACATION!! Yippee we needed this so bad! With Brian working 12 hour shift work, there are a lot of days where it seems like we hardly see him, so we treasure vacation time. We try and go to to Tennessee for two or three days and then travel to the beach for a week every year. Mountains and Beach ahhh it's the best of both worlds. We had made plans to visit with one of our good friends Tonyia who adopted beautiful little miss Sophie in our CCAI group. Sophie was Savannah's crib mate in the orphanage, but due an emergency with another family member they were unable to make it. We were heartbroken but fully understand. We hope to try and meet up maybe once a year or so, to get the girls together.
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 10:42 AM 4 Comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Once Ma Ma's baby boy, Now my sweet young man

Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 10:49 AM 4 Comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
where has the time gone?
Savannah has grown so much and in so many ways, she only wanted Ma Ma in the first few months we came home now she will put her arms out to anyone she sees, including the lady behind me in the Wal-mart checkout line! She says so many new words now like, Jesus, bible, bath, baby, doggy, bub, ball, num- nums, drink, love you, bye, maw maw, paw paw, nan nan, and a few more. I love watching all the facial expressions she shows in everything she does, it's sooo cute. I can't believe it has went by so fast, sometimes I just want time to slow down so I can take in every second of every memory that I have with all four of my blessings.
Little miss spicy girl, Ma Ma and Ba Ba love you so much!
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 2:24 AM 2 Comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Youth Camping Trip
We recently went on a camping trip with our youth group. The youth leaders have a place on the Greenbriar River. It is located close to the Great Bend Tunnel which John Henry built. The river was too muddy for fishing or swimming due to all of the recent rains we had the previous days, but it was a lot of fun just being outside.
Before we even made it to camp, we had to stop at the ER and pick up our son Tannor. We got a late start due to Brian's work schedule and got a phone call on the way saying that Tannor had been chopping wood for the fire and, yep you guessed it, he hit his foot with the ax and had to get 15 stitches. He is ok but had to sit out all of the fun due to his foot. I think he learned his lesson.
The main event was corn hole from daylight til dark. I'm not sure the grass will ever grow back. Savannah had a lot of time getting to know our youth leaders and the youth, she had a blast. She had her own pool to play in and loved being able to run everywhere. We went for a walk by the river and saw something neat. Someone had built something that resembled a pagoda, It reminded us how muchwe miss China.
Our youth leaders, Scott and Shari brought some beef from a recently butchered cow, the youth cut it up and added spices then hung it over the fire for about 16hours. The boys took shifts tending the fire and when it was done, it was the best jerky I've ever tasted.
During our last nighe there, we had a walk through the old train tunnel, it is a little over 1 mile through the mountain and this particular night the mist was comming out of it made it look spooky. The girls were scared and the boys loved scaring them every moment of the walk.
Savannah having fun in her own pool
The boys playing a little corn hole while Tannor watches from the sideline
The boys doing their part with the jerky meat
The Great BendTunnel
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 3:20 PM 1 Comments