We recently celebrated my first born (Jordan) turning the big 17! I have had such huge mixed emotions about it, so excited about his graduation this senior year, so excited about his last year of football, so excited about his future, but also very sad that my little boy is all grown up. I pulled out all the old photos of him, reminiscing all evening trying to recapture the past, indulging myself in memories. From the time he was old enough to talk, his Grandma Tweet had him singing gospel and hymn songs in church. He would go to other area churches and sing sometimes by himself and sometimes with Tannor along side him. People would always beg them to come back. I am so proud of who he has become, he has made some really good choices. I am proud of his growing faith in God, and his hunger to continue to learn God's word. His youth leaders have always complimented on having him as their student. I can't wait to see what God has in store for him. Jordan you are such a blessing to us. You are a wonderful son, and big brother.
Jordan we love you with all of our hearts, your Ma Ma Tweet is watching down on you so proud and all smiles, for the young man you have become.

I did not realize how really close our kids are in age. Dalton (our oldest) just turned 17 just 3 days before Jordan on the 8th! Wow. How about your middle son Tannor - how old and when is his bday?? I don't remember how old Hailey is either but possibly her and our Noah are close in age. Who knew.
Sounds like you guys did an awesome job! I know it has to be hard letting go, but there's also that peace in knowing WHO he belongs to.:) His journey has just begun!
( can't wait til next week!)
Hi Ruth,
Jordan turned 17 on the 26th of June, Being so busy all the time I just now got around to posting it. He kept saying mom when ya gonna post my birthday so I finally made the time. Tannor will turn 15 in a few weeks on August 5th, and Haleigh turns 13 on Oct. 16th (whew!) If I remember correctly Noah turned 12 while we were in China so he will turn 13 right before Haleigh (right)? and Abigail is 2 months older than Savannah. That is sooo neat. Not to mention both of us ladies are married to Brian's. WOW!!
Brian and Melinda,
Happy 10 months with Savannah!
Brian and Ruth
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