Today was the first day of school for the Decker bunch. It was a good thing and a bad thing. It was sooo peaceful around the house today, well except right up until my little energizer bunny with the beautiful almond eyes awoke! I was so glad not to hear the I'm bored there's nothing to do bit, but yet they did help with Savannah a lot and kept her entertained. It was so hard for me this year to see my baby girl Haleigh start her first year of Jr. High School. In our area we have a grade School k-6th and a Jr./Sr. High School 7-12th, so no middle school. Haleigh is growing up so fast as is the boys too. She's a 7th grader, Jordan is a senior, and my Tan-Man is a sophomore. She was so excited this morning to be at the same school with her brothers. It saddens me to think they are going to be leaving the nest sooner than I think, but I find great comfort in knowing that the Lord will watch over them and keep them on the right path he has chose for them. I thought Savannah would look for them and ask for them today but she was way to busy getting into things as usual. And to think we don't have to worry about grade school again for another 5 years!!! lol
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back to School!!
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 9:43 PM 4 Comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Great week!
We had a very busy but great time attending our county fair this past week and Jordan's scrimmage game on Saturday. I can't believe football season is here already! Savannah had a good time at the fair. We put her on the carousel but she wanted nothing to do with it, or any of the rides for that matter. She did like the music entertainment though and danced to it. We have always entered our kids in the pretty baby contest, it started when we had Jordan and kind of became a tradition with all three kids, so this year keeping with tradition we entered Savannah. Savannah's good friend Leila was also in the contest. Neither of them placed but that's ok, we already know we had beautiful little girls. Leila lives about 15 to 20 minutes away from us. One day when we were getting ready to travel to China for Savannah, we had to go to our board of education office to get a form for Haleigh to miss 2 weeks of school to go to China. While we were there we found out that another local family had came there to request a form for their two children to miss school for a trip to China to adopt also. We had no idea! It was amazing to find out that through our three years of waiting for Savannah, another family in the next town over was waiting to be matched with their little one. We kept in touch through e-mails the next few weeks while getting ready for our travel and met them at the airport on Sept. 11th, the day we left for China. They were with a different agency and we went our separate ways after that but seen them again while both our agency and theirs were on a tour of Tienanmen Square. If you know anything about Tienanmen Square it is a huge place filled with thousands of tourists, and amazingly we found each other while touring. they then went on from Beijing to Guangzhou to meet their beautiful daughter, who was from the Guangdong district. We still keep in touch with them through e-mails and met up with them a couple of nights of the fair. and plan on getting the girls together as often as we can. When they are together it is so cute.
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 1:09 PM 3 Comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A year ago today on august 12th 2008, we fell in love!

Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 6:11 PM 3 Comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Another Birthday Bash!
Brought To You By: Brian and Melinda at 10:16 AM 3 Comments